Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I hate the word diet! I love food! I love to cook and I enjoy eating! It's one of life's simple pleasures. HOWEVER, in order for well-being, I guess I have to quote back "You are what you eat" You eat healthy, you'll stay healthy.

Being in Malaysia it is quite hard to resist the daily temptation of Nasi Lemak (coconut cream rice), Roti canai (Oily flat bread), teh tarik (condensed milk tea - notice i don't call it tea with milk BUT condense-milk tea? do the ratio).WOHHH Sedap! In fact, I'm already drooling thinking about the steamy,sweet,creamy teh tarik. Cheap(RM1.50), YummMMMY but it's 410 calories per cup.Yea.. that's right. Isn't is cheaper to get fat?! Painful truth. Eating healthy is a little expensive. Well I guess we'll just have to live smart. Paying more money for good health is better than paying the hospital bills later..not to mention baring the pain!

It's normal to have sudden cravings for ice cream, cheesecake, and in my case CHOCOLATE! PORTION CONTROL is key. It's alright to have a sip or two, a bite or two. Don't stop yourself from enjoying the taste you love, but you need to tell yourself that A TASTE IS ALL YOU NEED and then run away! hahaha! Because if you TOTALLY stop from having it all, I'm afraid you'll be stressed out and demotivated to achieve your goal because the cravings beats you.

In order to slim down and being fitter, I choose to cook healthy food at home, choose healthier meals outside and I admit to cheating once a while having a bite of sinful dessert now and then,making sure I burn it off after even if it means mopping the floor. I've collected many healthy recipes and created some of my own too. Maybe when I have the time, I'll post the best tasting "diet" recipe I've cooked!

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