Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My husband came across P90X workout video and went with it for 2 months now. Today, he looks great. He has lost inches off his waist, gain defined biceps and a little more buffed! (not that he was fat at the first place, he's petite.hehe!). He's determined to gain 6 packs by August so we'll see how it goes! The routine looked a bit MEAN to me but hey, that's the devil inside you saying don't do it! I was envy to see his result, so I gave it a go, joined him for a session, then on my own and reality is, I was beaten up! SAKIT! But I am more determined than ever after watching this video. She gave me the inspiration to keep on working out! She's a mother of 3 and she's HOT!

Now, this is what you call determination!

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