Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let's Jog!

Aleysha has been requesting to visit Opah(granny) since forever, so went back to my in laws that Saturday morning. Didn't get a chance to work out at home since we had to leave early in the morning, so I went jogging with my husband and his siblings at Metropolian Park Kepong right after we've sent Aleysha to her Opah. The park has a 3.65 kilo rubber jogging track and the view was awesome!! The serenity of the lake, the environment was just heavenly. Too bad some morons dump some kind of oily substance in the water! Idiots! Didn't bring a camera along, but found a picture is from the net somewhere;credits to the owner.

This is a picture of the track, see how it goes downhill and uphill. Awesome! Next time, I'm going to take more pictures around here to share.

I own a thread mill at home so it's been quite a while now since I ever jogged in a park. (Clarifying; this post made me sound like this is my time going to a park) Haha! I was just impressed by the crowds; Malaysians now are more aware of their health being! What a good sign and motivation! I was still suffering from yesterday's post-workout soreness, but I told myself that I'm just going to do whatever my body can take! So I warmed up, and went for it! Woot Woot! Went there the five of us and I was the last to arrive back!! Hahaha,well at least, I didn't need an ambulance to carry me home! I'm still alive and I finished the entire pain enduring 3.65 kilo track!Yeay! clap clap clap! Painful, but it was a good run, power walks, and stroll. There's a campaign claming that a person should walk 10,000 steps a day = 8 Km for a healthier life. WARRRRGGHHHH! COME ON MAN, GIVE ME A BREAK! I'M NEW AT THIS!! but I shall make this my mission too. Go iena Go!

Nonetheless, this is probably the best picture to described how I looked like after that short 3.65 km. Seriously, I was dying but feeling satisfied.I wonder how I would look like after 8km haha!

As always...sharing is caring.

There are a few things I've learn about jogging, whether on a thread mill or outdoor:

1. The best time to jog is in the morning.This is because early in the morning, the air is fresh and the oxygen content in the air is high. When you jog in the mornings and gasp for breath your lungs are filled with oxygen which is needed to burn off calories.

2. Start warming up first and start slow.

3. H2O!H2O!H2O! Bring fruit juice/sports drink just incase you're almost "dying"!

4. Jog slow 2 minutes, fast 2 minutes and alternating this pattern to reach the right heart rate and burn more. Seriously, it does.

5.Find a Mantra. Picking a short phase that you play over and over in your head while running can help you stay focused and centered. It can be your inner motivation when you need it most. Finding a mantra isn't hard. Pick one that fits your running style and personality, such as: “Easy does it” or “Harder, faster, stronger” or “Never give up”. Listening to upbeat songs from your iPod helps too. Music does wonders!

6. Pat yourself on the back when you're done, for that extra motivation.

Above all, I keep pushing, telling myself that I REALLY want to be slimmer and healthier and exercising is the only way!NO PAIN,NO GAIN.

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