Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hey 2011! Hello again Old Resolution!

New Year, Old Resolution. The repeated-resolution is to lose weight and get back my shape. However, while juggling between work and family, I forgot about ME and of course the resolution I made. I used to be in good shape, fitting into size 4 or 6 and now I can only fit into 10 or 14! Typically, this is treated as a standard scenario after having a baby and I DONT LIKE IT. I have to stop making excuses for what I look like right now. My daughter is turning 3 this year and I have only shed around 14 kilos of the total of 27 kilos I've gained during pregnancy.Ok, those are just numbers as professionals say it. I DESPERATELY NEED TO LOSE INCHES OFF MY WAIST!

I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am and regardless of how I look like, right now. Unfortunately, I hate looking into the mirror to see the ugly thing staring back at me and I hate shopping because I don't look good in most of the clothes I want buy. And the main thing is, I am not as healthy and fit as before.I'm always tired, angry and stressed out easily. So I decided to start this blog to document my journey into being a healthier person, and not to forget GETTING BACK IN SHAPE! So wish me luck people!

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