Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ouch..Ouch..Ouch all the way.

Ok, insanity has just begun. Muscle sore!! Worked out yesterday focusing on my back and leg doing all intense lunges and my o my, today I feel like I was beaten up by a gang or something. A little discourage by the pain, I fought back and went up the treadmill to just walk. However, since the muscle pain made me move like a robot, stiffly arranging small step one after another, I decided to work on my upper body instead. I focused on my shoulder and arms, lifting light weights and doing chair dips. Got 30 min out of the 1 hour total workout vid because my daughter was screaming her lungs out, screaming for me.(She's at a not-a-big-fan-of-daddy phase). Well, this is one of the reason it's hard for me to focus on me, but I guess I'll just have to make things work. Wake up earlier..pFftTTtt!

I bet I'm going to really feel the pain all over after this. Let's hope for a less "painless" day tomorrow!

Tips: Post workout muscle soreness is "good pain" and this pain can be reduced by drinking black tea or green tea. Antioxidants and Catechins found in them are wonders to human health.

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